Managing multiple apiaries in and around Chatham County, NC.
Beekeeping Services
Rocky River Bees is proud to serve as Master Beekeeper for Chatham Park, MOSAIC, and the City of Sanford, NC. Beekeeping services are also available to private parties.
Products From the Hive
Honey, pollen, beeswax, propolis, and honey bees are all products from the hive. The honey season varies from year to year, due to weather and the local bloom. It is always a little different and is always delicious!
Swarm Retrieval
Open hanging swarms like the one in the photo can usually be captured if within reach. Bees can also move into structures, which can require extraction. We can try to help or give guidance when possible.
Master Beekeeper available for educational hive tours, beekeeping talks, and lessons. Private mentoring available at our location or yours.
EAS SILVER PLATE AWARD Eastern Apicultural Society 67th Annual Honey Show Amherst, MA 2023 Extracted (Liquid) Honey Award Best in Show #1 Honey in North America East of the Mississippi
N. CAROLINA STATE FAIR Multiple Categories BEES & HONEY COMPETITION BLUE RIBBONS WON: 2017, 2018, 2019, (2020), 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
NORTH CAROLINA STATE BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION Multiple Categories BEES & HONEY COMPETITION BLUE RIBBONS WON: 2017, 2018, 2019, (2020), 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
About Us
As you may have heard, honey bees have been having a very hard time in recent years with CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder), Varroa mites, habitat destruction, pests, and pesticides. We are trying to make a positive impact by keeping bees naturally and raising Queens from our own selected survivor stock. These are the bees that survived and over-wintered successfully, meaning the next generation should be better equipped to thrive in the central NC climate. We utilize Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Beekeeping methods in an effort to naturally treat our bees, use organic treatments, and never use synthetic chemicals.